A-Z Index

Campus Resources

Veterans on Campus

Dr. Mike Bellamy

Dr. Mike Bellamy

Jay McGee

Dr. Jay McGhee

Doug Russell

Doug Russell

Travis Surprise

Travis Surprise

Tyler Tapps headshot

Dr. Tyler Tapps

Dr. Clifton Watkins

Dr. Clifton Watkins



Office of Veterans Affairs
The Office of Veterans Affairs, 位于财政援助办公室(行政大楼), Room 273), 协调100多名退伍军人上课和领取退伍军人福利的服务.

Information for Veterans

Financial Assistance

Financial Assistance
273 Administration Building
Phone: 660.562.1363
FAX: 660.562.1674

澳门网上博彩官方网站被批准为有资格获得退伍军人事务部(DVA)教育援助的学生提供认证. 认证官员(SCO)将帮助您满足VA教育援助计划的要求,并作为澳门网上博彩官方网站和圣密苏里州立大学之间的直接联络人. 关于福利支付的问题

Financial Assistance Guidelines

Veterans Resources
包含有关老兵资源的信息, benefit programs, scholarships, tuition assistance, and a VA Education Benefits Checklist.

University and State Sponsored Scholarships


Other Offices

Student Success Center
2nd Floor, Owens Library
Phone: 660.562.1726
Fax: 660.562.1049

你可能会发现你的大学经历与你以前的教育经历有很大的不同. That's okay you're not alone. 也许在高中,你没有真正学习就取得了好成绩. 或者你对某些技能有些生疏了. 承认你可能需要一些帮助,可能需要学习一些新的学习策略,这是重要的一步. That is why we're here for you. 澳门网上博彩官方网站可以帮助你提高学习技巧, note taking, time management, healthy lifestyles, etc.

Advisement  (also a part of the Student Success Center)
2nd Floor, B.D. Owens Library

学生成功中心还提供咨询服务和资源,以帮助西北学生解决他们的学术问题,并告知他们帮助学生决定专业的额外资源. 因为65%到85%的学生在大学期间会换专业, 他们都可以在大学生涯的早期熟悉咨询资源.

TRIO Student Support Services
372 Administration Building
Phone: 660.562.1862

澳门网上博彩官方网站的TRIO学生支持服务项目是一个由联邦政府资助的以学生为导向的学习援助项目, career, 为第一代提供个人和学术建议, 低收入及/或残疾学生. SSS学生成员受益于各种项目资源的使用,以及与学生导师和高度敬业的项目中心工作人员的个人互动. 项目人员努力了解学生成员,以根据个人能力和需求提供特殊机会.

Career Services
130 Administration Building
Phone: 660.562.1250

Career Services provides  career information to students and alumni exploring career opportunities; seeks to strengthen job search skills while continuing to establish and maintain   relationships with employers in public and private schools, colleges, university, business, industry and government; provides active and effective settings for students to interact with employers in an effort to gain insight to the changing needs of the workforce; and offers support to the university community through feedback from follow-up surveys of graduates.

Health Services (Wellness Services)
Wellness Services Building
Phone: 660.562.1348
Fax: 660.562.1585


  • 澳门网上博彩官方网站经验丰富的临床工作人员提供高质量的医疗保健服务
  • 就广泛多样的主题提出创新的健康促进和教育倡议
  • 不断努力,不断提高澳门网上博彩官方网站服务西北学生的能力

Personal Development & Counseling (Wellness Services)
Wellness Services Building
Phone: 660.562.1348
Fax: 660.562.1585

澳门网上博彩官方网站的个人发展和咨询服务是一个重要的资源,可以帮助学生充分发挥他们的潜力. We are located in the Wellness Services. 学生使用澳门网上博彩官方网站的服务是因为他们想要改善他们的生活、学习和成长方式. 大学是一个完美的时间来改变你的生活, consider who you are and who you want to be, 建立你的优势,这样你才能充分发展和茁壮成长. PDC服务致力于促进个人发展,帮助学生克服可能影响他们的人际关系和学业进步的障碍.


Office of Student Involvement
2800 J.W. Jones
Phone: 660.562.1226

学生参与办公室在整个校园内支持独特和多样化的活动和事件列表. Student Involvement, a unit of the Division of Student Affairs, 鼓励和支持学生的成长和发展. As a leader in out-of-classroom learning, 学生参与通过促进领导力的项目和资源来增强大学的学术使命, critical thinking, creativity, social interaction, team building, diversity and community. 通过你的参与所获得的知识也会对你的学业有帮助, increase your satisfaction at college, 并帮助你在大学毕业后获得获得理想工作的技能!

Students With Disabilities
澳门网上博彩官方网站致力于为所有学生提供优质的支持服务. 学习援助提供者/服务(LAP/S)委员会是一个由学术和学生事务人员组成的网络,负责审查学生的住宿请求.